Friday, October 08, 2004

Welcome to Learning Online

Welcome to my class. I want start with the class rules.

Mr. Smith's Class Rules

RESPECT everyone and everything!

Come to class PREPARED everyday

Obey ALL Hollywood High School Rules!

Follow ALL Class Procedures!


Grades are assigned using a point system, each assignment being given a point value. Projects are worth 100 points, homework and class work are worth 10 points. Other assignments will be given point values at my discretion.

To get an A , you must earn at least 90% of the total points possible, to get a B , you must earn 80% of the total points possible, to get a C , you must earn 70% of the total points possible.

If you do every assignment, you will not receive lower than a C . Most students run into grade trouble by not completing all of the assigned work. ANY student that completes every assignment is guaranteed at least a C , but if you do all of the assignments and TRY, you will do much better.

Each day, you will log in to the site and watch the day's lecture videos. Then, after reading the propts, you will post a response in the newgroup. Finally, you will read the posts of the other students and respond to three of them.